Survey on people's relations with rivers in Sweden

As part of the project The role of local knowledge in assessments of biodiversity loss and climate change impacts, and in collaboration with Anna Scaini and Emma Gudmundsson (Stockholm University), we have developed a survey to investigate attitudes, activities, relationships, nature connections, knowledge, and participation and views on management and governance in three river systems in Sweden. We have distributed the survey online and through postcards with QR-codes for citizens living adjecent to three rivers: Rönne å, Gullspångsälven, and Luleälven. The three sites represent different socio geographic and historical contexts and face different challenges with regards to governance, hydropower, and biodiversity. This work is part of larger data collection and is complemented by qualitative interviews and document analysis.
We are actively recruiting participants and the survey can be accessed here Feel free to distribute the link and get in touch if you have any questions