Re-imagining human-nature oneness

Social dimensions of biodiversity and ecosystem services - Nature connectedness - Intrinsic values - Local knowledge - Urban entanglements - Critical plant studies

I am an interdisciplinary sustainability researcher who is passionate about exploring diverse ways of knowing and valuing nature. I strive to develop inclusive approaches for transformative governance beyond anthropocentrism. 

This is my personal website where you can find an overview of my work and research updates.

Sanna Stålhammar

Doctor of Philosophy in Sustainability Science


Earlier this spring I was invited as a speaker to a symposium on the status and future of biodiversity in Sweden organised at the Royal Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with Future Earth. I presented on valuation of nature, and it was a fully packed day with lots of interesting talks which are now available on youtube (in Swedish)

Transformative research seeks to couple knowledge production with co-creating change. This paper is led by Andra-Ioana Horcea-Milcu and defines the transformative way of doing research to pro-actively support society's fight against pressing societal and environmental problems. We present six characteristics of transformative research. We...

In this new study called "Contested representations of benefits of urban nature in a densifying marginalised neighbourhood", we examine diverse representations of "benefits" of urban nature, and how these are considered and operationalised in planning by examining a case of densification in Bellevuegården, a marginalised neighbourhood in Malmö in...

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